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Taking Time for Yourself is Healthy: Learn to say NO

As women, self-care is rarely top of mind. We are so used to taking care of others—our kids, grandkids, parents, spouses, and friends. But to be the best mom, friend, sister, daughter, or partner you can be, you must first take good care of yourself with exercise, adequate sleep, and a healthy eating plan. After all, you are worth it, and the happier and healthier you are, the better you will be for others.

Studies show, self-care is important, both for psychological and physical health.1 You need to exercise and engage in a healthy eating plan to help prevent exhaustion, depression, and burnout. And if you’re trying to drop pounds, you need to do these things to achieve your weight loss goals. Plus, it’s good for people in your life to see you taking good care of yourself; you can be a healthy role model for them, too.

Finding the time for exercise and a healthy diet is admittedly easier said than done. One study found that the average mom gets only 17 minutes of free time to herself per day.2 So, we may need to schedule smaller bouts of activity into our day, but as long as we do it, that’s OK! Luckily, Curves workouts and classes are designed with busy women in mind. Get to Curves for just 30 minutes, three to four times a week, and you’ll be well on your way to better fitness and overall health.

Here are some tips on how to make more time for yourself, so you can incorporate a healthy meal plan and exercise routine:

Learn to say no

As women, we are people pleasers by nature. We want to make people happy, and when someone asks us for a favor or invites us to a party or event, of course, we want to say “yes.” But in the hustle and bustle of life, sometimes it’s impossible to accept every invitation and offer help at every request. This is especially true when you’re trying to make time for a new exercise routine or weight loss eating plan. So, give yourself permission to respectfully decline.

Exercise with a buddy

When we’re pressed for time, two things that tend to take a back seat are exercise and time with friends. So, why not do both at once? Take a morning walk with a friend, share a ride to your ladies only gym and catch up on the way, or try a new Curves class together. Even if it’s just once a week, group exercise is wonderful self-care, and studies show the accountability makes you more likely to stick with an exercise plan.3 You may find these articles on the benefits of group exercise and working out with a friend helpful!

Schedule “me time”

Equally as important as doctor’s appointments, work meetings, and kids’ playdates are workouts and sticking with a weight loss diet. So, schedule these things the same way you do other obligations in your life. Pick certain days of the week and times to go through the Curves circuit or to attend a Curves class. Set aside a few hours on Sunday afternoon to do food prep for your healthy eating plan. Put these events in your calendar and do your best to stick with them.

Stay flexible

If fitting exercise into a particularly crazy week causes you stress, it is no longer good self-care. So, if things get busy and you need to skip one workout to sleep an extra hour or attend a party at your child’s school, do it without question, and without guilt. Just cross it off your to-do list and promise yourself you’ll make it the next time.

Research shows, in order to have healthy relationships with your loved ones, you must first show love to yourself. The next time you get a pang of guilt as you head out to exercise or spend an hour preparing a healthy meal, remember, you’re not just doing it for your own happiness and well-being, but for the benefit of those around you.4

Curves offers a variety of exercise classes for women — high-intensity women’s boxing classes and cardio classes, medium to low-intensity women’s fitness classes, and low-intensity women’s balance classes. Each class is designed to to give you an effective total body workout in just 30 minutes!

To find out more about how you can make informed lifestyle and health choices, visit our blog under the ‘Live’ category! You can also learn more about how the ‘Curves Circuit’ can benefit your lifestyle here.


  1. BMC Medical Education
  2. Daily Mail
  3. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
  4. Psychology Today
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